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Designed specifically for Hip and Knee Arthritis at

Bertram Physiotherapy.

We understand how living with arthritis pain can greatly impact your overall wellbeing and quality of life. There are currently more than 3 million people in Australia living with this painful condition in Australia and many are below retirement age. It can limit your enjoyment of daily activities, prevent you from participating in social events with friends and family, lead to many sick days and early retirement due to ill-health, and too often patients are choosing to be on long waiting lists for joint replacement surgery as a way out. 


Led by our very own GLA:D certified Physiotherapist's Andrew Bertram, Alex Parker and Sam Stieler we are thrilled to announce the launch of the GLA:D Australia program right here at Bertram Physiotherapy Rehabilitation Centre. As the first private clinic to offer this service in Ipswich outside the Public Hospital system, we can't wait to start making a difference in the community.


To find out more about the GLA:D program and how it can benefit those with hip and knee pain, watch Lawrence's story below.






What is the GLA:D® Program?


GLA:D® is a 7 week education and exercise program for those suffering with painful/stiff knees or Hips, and in particularly osteoarthritis. GLA:D stands for (Good Life with osteoArthritis: Denmark), and was originally developed by researchers in Denmark in 2013 specifically for the treatment and management of mild to severe knee and hip pain / Osteoarthritis symptoms. Due to the success of the program it is now going in to it's 10th year, and is available in 10 countries around the world, including Australia. GLA:D is widely recognized as an effective first treatment option enabling patients to considerably reduce Osteoarthritic pain and delay the need for surgery.



What does GLA:D® involve?


·    1 x initial 30 minute appointment, one on one with one of our GLA:D certified Physiotherapists to explain the program and measure your current functional ability. (This is only for new patients to the clinic)


·        2 x 60 minute group education sessions led by a physiotherapist. You will learn about OA, its risk factors,                  treatment options, and the best self-management strategies at home.


·     1260 minute group exercise classes led by a physiotherapist who is specially trained by GLA:D Australia. Session are held twice per week over a 6 week period. With a maximum of 6 people per class, these sessions are designed  to improve your control of the joint, your confidence in the  joint and your strength.



      The GLA:D Program encourages an active lifestyle, promoting joint health and overall well-being. With expert guidance from our qualified GLA:D physiotherapists Andrew and Alex, you can learn to manage your osteoarthritis effectively at home and regain control over your life. 



Why is the GLA:D Program is so unique?

In Australia, treatment usually focuses on medications and surgery. The GLA:D Australia program offers a safe alternative that may reduce your need for medications, avoid the need for surgery, and improve your ability to participate more actively in work and recreational activities. 


This program is unique in that the education and exercises provided can be applied to everyday activities, ensuring participants develop skills to self-manage their osteoarthritis. By strengthening and improving confidence with exercise, participants develop better capacity to become or stay active, prevent symptom progression and reduce pain. 


The GLA:D program is one of the most well researched, and studied exercise programs for those with knee and hip osteoarthritis. Since the GLA:D was first launched in Denmark in 2013, there have been over 100,000 people participate in the program around the world since its inception. Research from the GLA:D Australia program in 2022 reported to show significant changes in the following:     


  •   Reduction in joint pain by 28% Hip and 33 % Knee
  •   Reduced intake of painkillers by 41% Hip and 46% Knee
  •   Increased walking speed by 14% Hip and 12% Knee 
  •  Improved quality of life by 21% Hip and 35% Knee
  •   Delayed or prevention of surgery
  •   Increased levels of physical activity


How Can I Register?


     The GLA:D program will be a permanent feature at Bertram Physiotherapy Rehabilitation Centre located at 132 Blackstone Road Silkstone Q 4304, and will be running regularly throughout the year. To be a part of our next up and coming program or express your interest, please either phone our friendly receptionists on 3202 1122 to Register or email us on info@bertramphysiotherapy.com.au


     We will be offering a limited number of spots, so we advise you call our office and book your place and learn about when the next available program date is.


How Much Does it Cost?



Eligible participants may be able to access Medicare funding, Private Health Insurance, or other publicly funded services to cover costs of initial assessments and group exercise classes under the code #560 


** New Patients to the clinic - Initial 30 minute Physiotherapy assessment is $105. Pensioner $97 

    If already an existing patient to the clinic, this assessment is not required. 


  2 x 60 minute group education sessions are free of charge.


  12 x 60 minute group exercise classes are $36 each (HICAPS available for instant claims)


   HCF Members - Fully Funded

   BUPA Members - Discount

   MEDIBANK Members - Discount



   Patients are welcome to pay as you go after each session.



If you are unsure, please talk to your Insurer, or give us a call to discuss your options.


**You do not need a referral from your doctor. Patients on the wait list for, or who have had joint replacement surgery are encouraged to attend.


More information or FAQ below




Don't miss this incredible opportunity to take control of your arthritis pain and unlock a brighter, more active future! We look forward to seeing you at Bertram Physiotherapy soon.